Field: Atom(s) Entropy
“Field: Atom(s) Entropy” documents the inter-relationship between sound, vector graphics and colors in various forms: installations, CD releases and print editions. A quantum system and microscopic field that consist of many independent micro-components having distinctive properties and short life span. Videos are digitally generated by computer algorithms and are not synchronized with the audio in order to create unexpected alignments and an ongoing data stream.
"Perletta is trying to hear, see, touch and sense an immersive world created in the space of this installation. He claims that there is a whole dimension in the nature of relationship which is not visible to the eye. A dimension of events and phenomena that his sound and his images try to narrate and describe." — Leandro Pisano (curator, writer and new media producer)
Digital prints on forex (stills from video)
Dimension: 32 x 20 cm [ L x H ]
Edition: Unique
Exhibition History
Solo Exhibition
BlueProject Foundation (Barcelona, ES)
24 October — 9 November 2014
Curated by Renato Della Poeta
The following prints were donated to Blue Project Foundation:
Field: Atom(s) Entropy – Connections [ 1.0 ] #001
Field: Atom(s) Entropy – Random [ 1.0 ] #021
Field: Atom(s) Entropy – Random [ 1.2 ] #001 – Photo by Agnese Gambini
Field: Atom(s) Entropy – Reflecting [ 1.0 ] #001 – Photo by Paolo Buatti
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