Fabio Perletta + Luigi Turra — Ma 間 [Discontinuum]



“It is the silence between one word and another, between one note and another, that is itself sound, as long as we can understand the interval between one sound wave and another” — Gillo Dorfles

MA by Fabio Perletta and Luigi Turra was born with the aim to perform an active dialogue between (real/virtual) architecture and sonic practice in various forms: installation, sound diffusion, durational performance, radio and CD release. The whole body of work was created in an attempt to translate Tadao Ando’s aesthetic principles into sound, crafting the work as a temporal, environmental experience of a non-existent space. The kanji 間 (ma) represents a crucial concept in various Japanese practices such as music and architecture, referring to notions of interval, space and time (between things), distance, pause, interruption, and relationship. The two sound artists defines a new listening space, inviting the listener to experience time in a non-linear way, giving plenty of room for reflection, memory, contemplation, and a sense of waiting. Celebrating the austerity of Ando’s geometric shapes, concrete elements, and the striking light effects of architectural details, Perletta and Turra emphasise emptiness and its opposite, saturating and emptying the space-time in a changing interplay between presence and absence, silence and noise, tactility and immateriality.

The arrangement of the two speakers as two columns represents the notation of pause (I I) in multimedia devices. Silences and sounds generate an unexpected and indefinite alternation, suggesting the audience to live and create their own inner space.

The exhibition space is transformed into a sensitive environment in which a spatial pause resonates. Each version of the installation is different, due to the generative audio.

Read more about Ma 間 and listen to the work here.


2 speakers, generative sound

Exhibition History

La Pelanda, Mattatoio, Rome (IT)
Teatroinscatola – Sound Box
29 December 2020

Group Exhibition: Safe and Sound
Curated by Caterina Tomeo


Columns created by Consuelo Donati and Silvia Parolini



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