Semi (Aequusol, VER MMXXI)

Participatory Action


The “seeds” are the final revelation of a year-long sentence, the culmination of the cyclical project developed by Fabio Perletta for Aequusol MMXX. In a process of gradual dispersal, as inexorable as the lexicon of nature that penetrates from one season to the next, artistic action disappears from the native geographies of the work to propagate as an abstract seed and reappear in as many locations as there are receptors. Recipients, chosen as "vectors", are shared the story of a year of Aequusol; the harvest of many fragments of experience, seeds destined to germinate in new seasons and at new latitudes. To each the choice of the most fertile words, in an intimate and individual process of assimilation of meaning sealed by the phrase that embodies the entire project: "Flowers never see their seeds". The latter, which has just come into completion and to the contextual revelation of its essence, moves away from the rays of will of its own author in a centrifugal and transitory movement, a quiescent promise.

And this is how each season becomes a page, a written compendium of thoughts, visions, experiments and knowledge to be entrusted to the metabolism of a genetic algorithm, with the specific task of introducing elements of randomness and disorder into the original sequence. A whirling foundry forging regenerated pages, full of new units of meaning, which every vector / person will be able to discover and keep as a profound gift, through a precise action: they will cancel from the pages received by the artist the words they intend to absorb, recording the sound produced by the gesture of cancellation. The sequence will then continue with repeated dispatches and cancellations by further vectors, until the complete disintegration and contextual absorption of the many logical nuclei contained in the four pages propagated by the author is achieved. Everything vanishes from the sheet, from the original experience. Everything resurfaces under the skin, into the depths of each person agitated by this subtle organic machine. Many units of meaning united by only one simulacrum, to reform the harmony of the whole: a unit of sound that is a perennial trace, a fossil capsule of a community of absences.

A new seed.


The first three years of Aequusol are defined by an emerging trilogy set to trace new rural mythologies through an imaginative reconsideration of the various forms of relationships to nature, those of existing and speculated interactions. An explorative membrane intersecting historical and experimental actions occurring between cultivated and wild landscapes, Aequusol strives to deepen and integrate meaning through art, biodiversity, narration, and local participation. By offering a platform and context to test new structures and stimuli, it forms alternative maps of investigations encouraging cultural dynamism from rural sites. Each year builds upon the last, in a continuous flux where Pollinaria generates various methods of producing, interpreting, and gathering information in relation to rural contexts locally, and beyond.

From previous research focused on the human animal in relation to the natural environment and to individuals of the same species, in 2021 Aequusol’s developing story becomes profoundly dictated and enmeshed within the complex entanglements rendered by interspecies relations and new forms of community. The Ancient Greek word κοίνωσις (“union”)- title of this year’s Aequusol - forms the roots of the modern term “biocoenosis” coined by Karl Möbius in 1877 to describe an ecological community where interacting organisms live together, the fundamental unit of the natural environment. This concept will be explored over the course of the entire year, each season being dedicated to a delicate knowledge seeking process, mining from the tender yet rigid exchanges that bring about negotiations of interspecies care, mourning, conflicts, cohabitation, architecture and tools. Pollinaria, alongside various participants, will roam the placements and precarious values held by the multitude of organisms that transform and diversify ecosystem dynamics. A process that departs from the anthropocentric pillars, and introduces elements of subversion and reinvention.


Fourth instalment of my yearly residency as part of Pollinaria's Aequusol MMXX project. My sonic interventions began with a parallel story of a seed; a journey, and a predicament in meeting its flower, as additional characters per event carried and provided new layers of meaning.
A sentence was gradually unraveled through the four transitional events of the year marked by Solstice and Equinox.



Words, genetic algorithm

Exhibition History

Online via
20 March 2021 — Present



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