We stand still here, among the mulberry blossoms
Site-Specific Performance
Photos by Alberto Pagliuca. Courtesy Due Qui / To Hear, Italian Pavilion, 60th Venice Art Biennale 2024.
Through discreet sound gestures, attuned to the acoustic peculiarities of the Giardino delle Vergini, the performance engages with the landscape from a perspective that transcends categorizing living beings. Instead, it focuses on the depth of their emotions: in this space of exchange and connection, the collective listening opens up new possibilities and variations. Central to the performance is the partial dematerialization of the subject-author, where the artist does not position himself as the pivotal point, thus subverting the traditional setting of frontal listening. This approach offers participants a peripheral vision, allowing a departure from the conventional sound aesthetic that dictates a linear relationship between sound creators and receivers. By encouraging a circular exchange, participants direct their listening inwardly and are invited to share their emotions with those nearby silently. A dynamic web of unpredictable, fleeting connections and gestures is created among the audience members.
2 portable speakers, stones, self-built instruments, wooden slats, wooden boards, flute
Exhibition History
60th Venice Art Biennale
Due Qui / To Hear, Giardino delle Vergini, Italian Pavilion
Public program curated by Luca Cerizza in collaboration with Gaia Martino
12 July 2024
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