The aim of this residency in Japan is to explore the liminal areas where sound of ancient spirituality meets the massive technological progress of the contemporary era. The program also includes a visit at Tadao Ando's Chichu Art Museum for the project Ma 間, created in collaboration with Italian sound artist Luigi Turra. The residency is supported by mAtter's Yukitomo Hamasaki, who helped organise various performances in Tokyo, Osaka, Wakayama, Fukuoka and Kagoshima, as well as a 901 Editions 9+1=0 showcase.
23 April – 23 May 2019
Residency: Tokyo, Osaka, Wakayama, Fukuoka, Nakagawa, Kagoshima, Naoshima (JP)
Tokyo, Ftarri
Tokyo, Otooto
Tokyo, Soup (9+1=0 / 901 Editions showcase)
Wakayama, Museum of Modern Art
Osaka, Environment 0g
Fukuoka, Hokozaki So-So
Kagoshima, El Sonido
Fabio Perletta’s appearance is made possible by the support of the project "MOVIN'UP SPETTACOLO – PERFORMING ARTS 2018/2019" promoted by Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Activities (MiBAC), General Directorate for Performing Arts and Association for the Circuit of the Young Italian Artists (GAI) together with Association Young Italian Artists of Emilia-Romagna (GA/ER).
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